About Jasmin

The glass is half full.

That is the motto that Jasmin lives by, in fact she can't bring herself to view life in any other way. Jasmin believes that the grass is not greener on the other side, your lawn will look the same no matter where in the world you are. With sunshine, water, and a bit of care your grass will grow healthy, shiny and soft to touch.

You see Jasmin thinks that the key to your happiness lies within you, in your mind, in your heart and in your soul. All you need to do is believe in yourself. However, this doesn't always come easy, if you can find something that makes you wake up every day and pushes you to strive to be the best person you can be, well then, you are very lucky.

Jasmin knows that the best things in life usually come from somewhere completely unexpected, and quite often from what seems like first, as a massive screw up. This is where life tricks you. Jasmin doesn't like the word mistake, as it sounds way too negative for her liking. She much prefers 'lesson'. For each of life's lessons make us the magnificent people that we are.

One more thing about Jasmin is that she loves to learn, and she likes to challenge the 'norm' - the socially accepted views of the world and others. She's always up for a chat, and can go on and on. A conversation with this girl can go in four hundred different ways, but it's sure to be entertaining (and maybe slightly exhausting) if anything.

Jasmin was born in 1986, and grew up watching Heart Break High, drinking Frozen Coke, and eating Ghost Drops. From the age of 12 she wanted to be a journalist, if she couldn't make a living as a hairdresser. Her teenage years were spent doing all the kinds of bad things teenagers do, going to parties, listening to music with swear words, wagging school, underage drinking, you get the picture.

At the age of 16 Jasmin's life changed. She fell pregnant. It was one of those moments where at the time she didn't realise what an absolute blessing becoming a mother (at her age) would be.

As a 17 year old single mum, with the support of her family, she moved out of home with her son Andrew. When Andrew turned 1 year old Jasmin went back and finished high school. Soon after, she got a job working in administration.

Years later with business qualifications under her belt and years of administration work, she took the plunge to go to La Trobe University and study Strategic Communication. Now in her final year, Jasmin is enjoying University life and works part time at the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Head Quarters - a job that she absolutely loves.

What drives this girl to get up each day and strive to be the best person she can be? Her son, Andrew. How lucky is she to be able to get up every day motivated to take on the world, driven to work and study as hard as she can, determined to create the best possible life for her and her son? So lucky.

"knowing each and every second of your life you have someone that loves you unconditionally, someone that trusts you without question, someone that looks up to you, someone that needs you, is what keeps her reaching for the stars" Jasmin said.

Jasmin hopes that the next time you see her, you'll find her helping someone achieve their goals, showing them that their dreams can become a reality, and making them see that the only light they need to follow is their own.

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